Wednesday, August 12, 2009


whole day since 2 or maybe 3pm, i'm struggling with the damn gastric pain..

its the consequence of not eating proper meal last time, REGRET~!! now, i have to suffer like this always...

gastric then followed by headache, god damn it~

forced myself to stand until 6pm, but..the stupid guy i have, missed call me at 6.20pm (missed call = he finished his after-work-bath, he said he will feel very dirty if he didn't take a shower, what the.....), he made me get mad after work..

saw his face at last, yell at him cause i reli cant stop my mind..hate him from the bottom of my heart, wad a bf he is?? then..he said that everytime when he wait for me to knock off, he wouldn't say a word, me?? keep nag nag nag...*again* what the...

nvm, i got no words to say coz my gastric pain is getting worst, i juz wana leave that stupid office full of nonsense n the stupid industrial estate..


surf the net as usual, my fren "headache" came to me n say "hello"..with this "hello", i got to swallow 2 panadols, n get in my room, and post this blog, n NOW im going to bed..

hope 2moro will be okay~wish me wish me good luck n sweet dreams~

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