Wednesday, November 11, 2009

a little fun with cam^^

play play around^^
damn boring sat,
sorry have to flashback..
these crazy thingy happened
laz sat, no time to upload till now^^
mom was sleeping tat time,
but ended up woke up by ARIEL's
voice, keep on kacau her...until she awake^^
and join us ki siao~~
see my face, so无奈^^
can see them playing while im laughing
all da time, kakakakaka...

tot he's very handsome de bro, hahaha^^
hana hana, handsome lar...

tickle tickle, see her face,
sabar not to laugh,
coz she scared ppl to tickle
her so much, she even can slap u
when she geli until lost control...
dare not play with her,
or else kena slap buta 1~~wuakakakaka~~

mom, u know in these pic
u look like what huh...
like田鸡, u surely know wad is it rite??
one of my favorita^^hehehehe...

laugh until my stomach become
stone d, all happy d lor..
coz the line was too slow,
and make the webcam always hang,
sien nia, always like tat 1~

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