Monday, October 5, 2009

brand new image^^

juz woke up, washed my clothes,
take my bath and...
of coz, try my new camera,
as i already charged the battery for 8 hours^^

say goodbye to my long hair tat
accompanied me for few years,
this time is the longest hair
i keep in 21years, wuwuwu^^
but all the tails of my hair
are all damaged, dried like grass..
i got no choice but to cut it off
and keep again lor~~sad sad~~

the saloon's name is "Espoir"..
nice huh...hehehe~
designs in the saloon was
very unique, hmm..
how to say, maybe next time,
i'll take some photos n post it in
my blog~wuakakaka~
*in the toilet*
when we step in the toilet,
we juz said:" WAHHH..."
coz the toilet is also
so nice~!!hahaha...

*hair treatment session*

after the treatment, the
hairstylist started to cut my
hair, wuwuwu~~
for about 30 - 40mins
cutting, there she goes..

a brand new Myra~hehehe~
the length of my hair
was exactly like the hair
when i was in high school~
so short behind^^
of coz, with this brand new image,
have to take some photographs~
*take one*

*take two*

*take three*

*take four*

wen done with her haircutting finally too^^
phew, it takes us few hours to
cut & treatment...
come come, take some pics 1st~hehehe~

one of the decorations in the saloon,
its a small fake fountain^^

last of all, i love this crystal chess so much^^
hope can have 1 for my collection,
but it surely cost me very much~
for collection?? i think too waste adi^^

the staffs in the saloon helped us
to call a cab, but it takes very long,
shit, we are in a hurry d,
coz we have to attend ester's
birthday 2nite at grand paragon
hotel, ginza lounge is its name
if i'm not mistaken^^
*its the end of my blog*
leave some opinion for my brand new image
♥ hahaha ♥

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